BATAS GARIS discusses the benefits of using LED lighting. For home lighting, there are currently several types of lamps that covers can use. 1. The Incandescent Lamp (Bulb) belongs to the category of old technology. 2. CFL (Compact Fluorescent Lamp) in the LHE (Lampu Hemat Energi) category. 3. LED lighting (Light Emitting Diode), which should be more energy efficient and brighter. The question is, how efficient are LED lamps compared to Incandescent or CFL lamps? According to se…
Read more »BATAS GARIS will discuss tips on choosing the right powder for your skin tone. Are you planning to buy powder? Still confused about choosing powder or loose powder? Here are the right tips according to the needs and conditions of your facial skin.
LOOSE POWDER The ingredients that easily absorb oil make this product suitable for those of you who have oily facial skin.
The result looks more natural than compact powder so it is suitable for everyday use.
Its use is not practica…
BATAS GARIS will discuss tips on caring for wooden furniture to make it durable and long-lasting. Currently, many people choose furniture from wood instead of using furniture made from other materials. Furniture made of wood, especially teak wood is durable. Wooden furniture also brings a cool natural atmosphere into the room. But all these advantages must also be balanced with how to care for wood furniture correctly and appropriately.
Here are Tips for Caring for Wood Furn…
BATAS GARIS will discuss tips for choosing house door handles. Before you decide which door handle you will use, you should pay attention to several important factors, what are they? See below:
POSITION, you should pay attention to where the door handle will be installed. If you place the handle on the door as an interior, you don't have to worry too much about choosing the best lock guard. Basically you just have to decide if you want a lockable inner door. Most of the d…
BATAS GARIS will discuss the benefits of drinking mineral water every day. Many people still find it difficult to make good habits of drinking mineral water. The reason is because mineral water has a bland taste and some even feel that mineral water is bitter. Do you know that drinking enough water is not only good for the body's metabolism and concentration. However, drinking water is easy. Especially for those of you who don't like fresh water and prefer flavored d…
Read more » BATAS GARIS OFFICIAL will discuss the advantages of using glass as a table top or often referred to as table glass with stainless frame (FX - DEMANDSIONS WORK Team). Of course, other materials besides glass are also often used for tablecloths, such as stone, HPL, and others. However, there are very interesting and unique considerations when we use glass as a table top on furniture elements.
This is the first reason to consider the glass material used as a t…
A hobby that earns. Yes, playing console games is one of the hobbies that children, teenagers, and adults are interested in. Due to the high intensity and volume of work, an adult needs at least 15 - 30 minutes to play console games to relieve fatigue and boost the spirit to continue. with further activities.
Project Name : Game Console Drafter : @irvnsyah Software : Autodesk Inventor
Fire Safety Equipment!!! Be first to prevent the fire!
Project Name : Fire Extinguisher (APAR) Drafter : @irvnsyah Software : Autodesk Inventor
Unsafe injection practices place patients and healthcare providers at risk for both infectious and non-infectious side effects and have been associated with a variety of procedures and settings!!
Project Name : Inject (Medical) Drafter: @setiawan.agstns QC Approval: @irvnsyah Software: Autodesk Inventor
ARCHIGENIC, Salah satu START-UP yang menawarkan jasa design architect dari Kota Sidoarjo - Jawa Timur. Memiliki beberapa tim Designer milenials yang mampu menjawab permintaan client, mulai dari pemiliknya sampai pada rekanan kontraktor. Memiliki background arsitek murni, tim Archigenic siap menerima konsultasi design dan memberikan solusi yang terbaik.
Read more »DEMANDSIONS WORK, berawal dari beberapa orang yang memiliki latar belakang berbeda tapi memiliki kesamaan minat dibidang rekayasa mesin. Lahirlah Drafter Engine Community, di Kota Surabaya mereka menginisiasi media sosial Instagram sebagai media publikasi project meraka. Beberapa design lahir berdasarkan kemampuan masing - masing drafter, mulai dari part mechanical, electrical sampai produk khusus konsumsi lainnya berdasarkan permintaan pasar. Pertengahan 2021, Demandsions W…
Read more »JACKSEPAROW ORGANIZER, salah satu event organizer di Kota Surabaya sejak 2018. Memiliki Spesialisasi penyelenggaraan event Hunting foto exclusive, Jackseparow Organizer yang dikomandani Jackseparow atau Mr. Jack berhasil memanjakan fotografer Surabaya disetiap penyelenggaraan event-nya. Tidak hanya dari Kota Surabaya, dari Kota tetangga se-provinsi Jawa Timur pun turut berpartisipasi. Beberapa komunitas fotografi pun turut berpartisipasi mensupport penyelenggaraan event Hunt…
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